
Publications & Research

NIRSA’s publications & research offer valuable information about the profession of campus recreation. We will continue to add to this library, please check back here for more information! 

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    The University of Minnesota Twin Cities Recreation and Wellness (RecWell) Department presents "Embrace the Challenge, Foster Systemic Change: A Journey Towards Inclusive Wellbeing." ​​Along with our live webinar, read this publication to learn about the development and outcomes of the UBelong Initiative. UBelong evolved from a committee formed in response to national and local social injustices, tragedies, and conversations, to an embedded initiative creating a sense of wellbeing, community, and belonging through collaborative partnerships and programs. Explore lessons learned and discover how their guiding principles might serve your own institution.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    The Industry Insights report highlights key findings and potential impacts for the profession. The report is based on a 2023 survey that considered the future environment within which campus recreation professionals work, how that environment influences their needs, and what their goals are, given the market and environmental factors identified. Using the results of the survey along with other data and context relevant to the field, NIRSA leaders outlined possible next steps for institutions, organizations, leaders, and professionals to consider. This report was made possible through funding from the NIRSA Foundation.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Read this publication to learn about UC San Diego’s Tritons RISE Together initiative and the integral relationship between Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) and Recreation. Together they present a holistic wellbeing program grounded in mindful movement, art, community, and nature.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    The working group for the revisions to the Collegiate Recreation Standards in the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) have completed a final draft to be submitted to the council for approval at the November 2023 CAS Meeting. A final step in this process is to present milestones in the process, major changes that were made since the last revision, and solicit feedback from other professionals in the field that were not a part of the process. The session is open to anyone who would be interested in hearing about the revisions and providing valuable feedback to the NIRSA CAS Director (Jake Eubank) and Alternate Director (Jason Vlastaras), who both served on the revisions committee.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Campus Recreation Essentials: Sport Clubs provides a comprehensive look at the administration of a club sports program, from start to finish, for a campus of any size. With guidance on staffing, policies, assessment, funding and more, readers can gain knowledge and confidence in beginning a sport club program or strengthening existing programming.


NIRSA Assembly Resources

The NIRSA Assembly is a forward thinking leadership group that focuses on the hot topics affecting the profession of collegiate recreation right now and will continue to in the future.

Learn more about NIRSA Assembly

Guide Civil Discourse in Collegiate Recreation

Guide to Health & Wellbeing

Social Issues Facing Higher Education
