Personal & Professional Qualities

The Personal & Professional Qualities competency area involves the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to inform individual conduct and apply these tools toward productive work and interaction; awareness of one’s own areas of strengths and areas for development; be committed to lifelong learning; to assimilate integrity and ethics into all aspects of personal and professional self.

Problem solving|Prioritization|Adaptability|Networking|Analytical skills

Personal & Professional Qualities

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  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Often the largest employer of students on campus, the recreation department can provide experiential learning opportunities and career readiness to its staff Crafting a training and development plan for those student employees can transform the experience and lead to more prepared young professionals. Campus Recreation Essentials: Student Staff Training & Development leads supervisors through the process of creating an intentional, effective training strategy grounded in student development theory. Written with examples of application in the field, guidance of good assessment practices, and suggested learning competencies, there are takeaways for any campus recreation professional. NIRSA’s Campus Recreation Essentials series focus on the building blocks needed to create a recreation program from the ground up, or to prepare a new staff member to take over or improve an existing program. Written by experts in their fields, the Essentials series is an invaluable resource to small programs, new programs, or professionals who are new to campus rec.

  • Contains 2 Component(s)

    Iowa Guided Reflection on Work (GROW®) conversations are a powerful tool that Campus Recreation student supervisors can utilize to make on-campus employment a high impact practice. GROW® takes the form of brief, structured conversations between students and supervisors to help students connect the skills that they are learning on the job to their career and academic aspirations. To date, over 200 colleges and universities in the United States and abroad have contacted the University of Iowa about implementing GROW® at their institutions. In this roundtable conversation, we’ll hear from Teri Schnelle, Director of Projects and Partnerships for the University of Iowa before moving into a conversation about GROW® use cases in Campus Recreation. Attendees can view the supplement [see Contents tab] to see how peer institutions have brought GROW® to life on their campuses. This roundtable is perfect for anyone interested in practical student staff development resources!

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 05/25/2022

    Certification is generally considered to be the “gold standard” of professional credentialing. A valued certification program provides enormous promise for educators working in student affairs and campus recreation to demonstrate ongoing learning, identify high quality professional development opportunities, and open new pathways for their professional mobility and career advancement. This session will provide an overview of how NIRSA volunteer leaders have spent the last two years in partnership with our student affairs peers to develop a new certification, and what developments you can expect in the upcoming months.

  • Contains 2 Component(s) Recorded On: 09/27/2021

    This recorded session discusses the novel “Think Again. ” It examines opportunities in our everyday lives to reexamine our prior-held convictions and grow through the process of continuously learning. The presenters use stories from both the novel and their own personal experiences to illustrate ways in which “thinking again” has helped them realize self-awareness, grow and develop, and find greater humility.

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 09/14/2021

    No matter your current skill level, career path, or available time, you can tap into long-term success through NIRSA Pathways into Leadership. In this recorded session, leaders in a panel discussion about the five (emerging, developing, strategic, advanced, and engaged) NIRSA pathways into leadership.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits

    What are the best practices to evaluate the employees you supervise? In this session, we will guide you through the ‘life cycle’ of feedback and evaluation. From implementing a culture of regular feedback during the onboarding process to having crucial conversations to self-evaluations and yearly performance reviews, you will learn how to be intentional as you build your structure for development and growth for those whom you supervise whether they are student-wage, part-time, graduate assistants, or full-time employees. Whether you are currently in a supervisor role, plan to work in a supervisor role, or want to learn what types of expectations future employers may have, this session has something for everyone with tips and proven methodologies for supporting current (or future) supervisees. Spark your planning and organization to structure a comprehensive feedback process, from one cycle to the next!

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 03/09/2021

    As a 15+ year professional in the collegiate recreation field, I have been a part of (as an interviewee & interviewer) numerous job searches; from students, interns & graduate assistants to Director-level positions.I want to ensure all candidates know what to look for and how to ask the tough questions, when it comes to choosing the right job for them.After all, the job search goes both ways.Job searching can be overwhelming but that feeling isn't over once you have an offer.There is a lot to consider when applying for and accepting (or denying) jobs.This presentation helps attendees learn more about the average job search & interview process utilized by most NIRSA institutions.Attendees will be able to identify at least 5 additional benefits (other than salary).

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 03/05/2021

    Having served as a Director for a newly created department with a new facility at a university that has never had a focus on recreation, health, or wellbeing, my journey has been challenging and rewarding. In this session, I will share insight into areas that I wish I'd had more exposure to or taken additional time to learn more about through 16 years as a professional. From budgets to strategic planning, staffing to collaboration, emergency management to telling our story, the past years have exposed areas of growth needed for all professionals wanting to advance. Not all of these lessons focus solely on the job as each experience is unique, providing some insight beyond the office walls is important.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 03/05/2021

    What does the COVID-19 pandemic mean for your College/University athletics and recreation facilities? What can we do right now to help ensure the safety of our communities using these facilities? Will anything ever go back to how it was before? What does it look like to remain safe and still provide these resources? What changes will live on beyond the pandemic? What will fall away after serving their temporary purpose and what will remain in place long after we can all return to group settings safely? When you face an unprecedented situation, it helps to know lifelong experts are here to offer support and suggestions. Join TMP Architecture’s Senior Vice President and co-leader of the firm’s sports and recreation design group, Dave Larson, as he interviews two life-long university recreation facility experts about what’s happening with on-campus athletics and recreation facilities. The three talk about what they’ve learned, what they wish they had known, and are here to give you their professional insight into what they think is next for the world of college/university athletics and recreation facilities.

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 03/04/2021

    This panel discussion seeks to build the skills, knowledge, and capacity of current associate directors. Learn from the perspective of fellow associate directors to start your path to mastering managing in the middle.