Business Management

Business Management in the field of campus recreation covers a broad scope of skill sets needed across disciplines within our field. Communicating, planning, marketing, managing resources, strategic relationship building, and utilizing appropriate technology are essential business management skills at every level of employment.


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  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Often the largest employer of students on campus, the recreation department can provide experiential learning opportunities and career readiness to its staff Crafting a training and development plan for those student employees can transform the experience and lead to more prepared young professionals. Campus Recreation Essentials: Student Staff Training & Development leads supervisors through the process of creating an intentional, effective training strategy grounded in student development theory. Written with examples of application in the field, guidance of good assessment practices, and suggested learning competencies, there are takeaways for any campus recreation professional. NIRSA’s Campus Recreation Essentials series focus on the building blocks needed to create a recreation program from the ground up, or to prepare a new staff member to take over or improve an existing program. Written by experts in their fields, the Essentials series is an invaluable resource to small programs, new programs, or professionals who are new to campus rec.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Written by four experts with over 63 combined years of experience, Campus Recreation Essentials: Intramural Sports provides a framework to design and create an effective intramurals program that meets the needs of campus and community participants. From budgeting to policymaking to designing play structures to assessment, this resource is a valuable addition to any rec department library. NIRSA’s Campus Recreation Essentials series focus on the building blocks needed to create a recreation program from the ground up, or to prepare a new staff member to take over or improve an existing program. Written by experts in their fields, the Essentials series is an invaluable resource to small programs, new programs, or professionals who are new to campus rec. NIRSA’s Campus Recreation Essentials series focus on the building blocks needed to create a recreation program from the ground up, or to prepare a new staff member to take over or improve an existing program. Written by experts in their fields, the Essentials series is an invaluable resource to small programs, new programs, or professionals who are new to campus rec.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    Reimagine your recreation spaces. This webinar dives into the trends and challenges of managing recreational spaces, showcasing how RecRe's technology optimizes utilization and engagement across different recreation settings. Explore streamlined inventory management for traditional gyms, dedicated esports arenas, and even remote outpost sporting fields. Learn how RecRe tackles real-world issues like equipment loss and student accountability, boosting efficiency and user satisfaction in both established and emerging recreational domains. Get ready for an interactive session packed with expert insights and practical tips to transform your own space into a dynamic recreation hub.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    In 2021, NIRSA partnered with 122 Consulting to embark on a climate assessment initiative with the aim of gathering data about the ways members were experiencing the Association through a lens of justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion (JDEI). Over the fall and winter, a climate assessment—grounded in 122’s Sustained Impact Model that includes self (self-awareness, individual accountability), spheres (interpersonal dynamics, relationships), and systems (embedded culture, policies, and practices)—was conducted by 122 Consulting with oversight and support from NIRSA’s EDI Climate Study Steering Committee. Crucially, this work was supported by NIRSA Foundation donors. Data for the climate study was gathered by surveying members and nonmembers, facilitating focus groups, and receiving input from the Steering Committee. Findings from those efforts are presented and discussed in this report.

  • Contains 1 Component(s) Recorded On: 05/14/2021

    Equity, diversity & inclusion is regularly discussed on college campuses. But we want to take a deeper dive into what practical applications are being applied in our work settings within collegiate recreation, specifically focused in the area of member services. What are we doing to emphasize the importance of inclusion? How can we take the resource guide developed by the NIRSA Commission on Equity, Diversity & Inclusion and make positive changes in our day to day operations? Join us during this session as we highlight ideas already in action, discuss challenges and idea share with colleagues.

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    This conversation shared what's happening among peers as relates to Member Services in the recreational and wellness facilities on our campuses.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 03/05/2021

    In this presentation, we will discuss how incorporating key elements made popular by the boutique fitness industry, such as ‘experiential fitness' and wearable technologies, will reinvigorate campus recreation programs through student participation and adherence and revenue generation.

  • Contains 2 Component(s), Includes Credits Recorded On: 03/05/2021

    Small programs are leaders at making the most of their resources and often do that by collaborating with key campus partners. Join NIRSA’s Small Programs Committee for a session dedicated to highlighting successful collaborations and discussions on best practices. This session will be dedicated to outlining those best practices, so they are relatable to programs of all sizes!

  • Contains 4 Product(s)

    This package of webinars features four sessions that will help you get up to speed on your business and leadership practices!

  • Contains 1 Component(s)

    The world has been turned upside down due to the Covid pandemic, but life is moving forward and understanding how students are feeling and behaving is important when developing a plan to for the immediate future. Riddle & Bloom conducts an annual census that includes students from across North America to better understand their behavior, emotions, habits and more. We will discuss data relating to health & wellness and the impact it will have on Rec Centers.   Additionally, we will dive into what brands are looking for in terms of sponsorships in the new normal that we live in. Focusing on Rec Centers social presence and other ways that can make assets you already have attractive to sponsors.