Focus Group for Early Year Professionals

Focus Group for Early Year Professionals

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As we navigate the current workforce climate we are seeing a gap in support for early years professionals in collegiate recreation. The Early Years Professional Task Force wants to support you whether your institution is mean and lean on staff or you have taken on a new role within this field. Having a group of resources that you can learn with and from is how we build community in NIRSA. We hope you will take time to join us for this focus group as we discuss ways to better support your professional journey. 

Goals of the session:  

  • Individuals attending this session will be able to network with other professionals in a similar stage of their professional journey. 
  • Individuals will gain insight and common understanding of how to navigate and engage with the NIRSA community. 

Katherine Geter

Corinne Pruett

University of Wisconsin-Madison

Kathleen Langley

Lincoln University


Focus Group for Early Year Professionals
02/27/2023 at 1:00 PM (PST)  |  60 minutes
02/27/2023 at 1:00 PM (PST)  |  60 minutes As we navigate the current workforce climate we are seeing a gap in support for early years professionals in collegiate recreation. The Early Years Professional Task Force wants to support you whether your institution is mean and lean on staff or you have taken on a new role within this field. Having a group of resources that you can learn with and from is how we build community in NIRSA. We hope you will take time to join us for this focus group as we discuss ways to better support your professional journey. Goals of the session: Individuals attending this session will be able to network with other professionals in a similar stage of their professional journey. Individuals will gain insight and common understanding of how to navigate and engage with the NIRSA community.