CAS Update: Collegiate Recreation Program Revisions

CAS Update: Collegiate Recreation Program Revisions

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The working group for the revisions to the Collegiate Recreation Standards in the Council for the Advancement of Standards in Higher Education (CAS) have completed a final draft to be submitted to the council for approval at the November 2023 CAS Meeting. A final step in this process is to present milestones in the process, major changes that were made since the last revision, and solicit feedback from other professionals in the field that were not a part of the process. The session is open to anyone who would be interested in hearing about the revisions and providing valuable feedback to the NIRSA CAS Director (Jake Eubank) and Alternate Director (Jason Vlastaras), who both served on the revisions committee.

Dr. Jacob Eubank

Assistant Professor - Recreation Education

Lehman College, City University of New York

Dr. Jacob Eubank is an Assistant Professor in the Recreation Education program at Lehman College, City University of New York. He currently serves as the NIRSA CAS Director and as a member of the NIRSA Health and Well-being Taskforce 2.0. His research focuses on recreational behavior and its impact on college student health and well-being, including outcomes such as reduction in stress and anxiety, increased sense of belonging, and increased life satisfaction. Prior to joining the faculty at Lehman College CUNY, Dr. Eubank served as the Assistant Director of Aquatics and Fitness at the University of North Carolina Wilmington.

Jason Vlastaras

Associate Director of Student Success

Iowa State University


CAS Update - Recording
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