Awareness to Inclusion to Advocacy, Your Next Steps

Recorded On: 12/15/2021

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What now? How do you actually bring inclusion to your school? Can you call yourself an ally? What are your next steps? Our final session will leave you with actionable steps on the personal, professional, and institutional level to get you closer to trans inclusion and be more gender equitable. Resources, including the NIRSA EDI Resource Guide, Campus Pride Sports Index, Campus Diversity Officers, National Governing Bodies for Sport, and programs & policies from NIRSA member institutions’ collegiate recreation programs, will be highlighted for staff training, program assessment, and policy development.

Learning Objectives:

Participants will be able to: 

  1. Identify several actionable steps they can personally take to help further trans inclusion and gender equity.
  2. Identify several actionable steps their department can take to help further trans inclusion and gender equity.

Competency Areas:

Personal and Professional Qualities




Laurie Braden

Executive Director, University Recreation

Louisiana State University

Laurie is the Executive Director of University Recreation at Louisiana State University.  She leads a team of 40 full-time staff and 350 student employees.  Prior to LSU, she served as Director of Campus Recreation at the University of Texas-Brownsville, ’07-‘10 and as Associate Director of programs and facilities at Central Michigan University, ‘99-‘07.  She received her bachelors degree from the University of Florida and masters degree from North Carolina State University.  She as been and active and engaged member of NIRSA for 34 years and is a past president of the NIRSA Board of Directors.

LSU University Recreation completed a four-year, $84.5 million dollar expansion and redesign that is 260,000 sq. ft. of indoor recreation & fitness space in 2017.  The facility includes a 1/3 of a mile indoor that spans two floors and includes an indoor 26-yard, 20-degree sloped functional training ramp, an indoor lap pool, a 35-foot climbing tower and bouldering area, an outdoor lap pool, and a leisure river.  The department operates a 23-acre outdoor sports complex with eight mulitpurpose fields and four softball fields.  Currently, UREC is expanding the high low ropes course that will include a 475’ zip line that drops into the UREC Park that is included in the department's operational portfolio.  

Laurie’s passions include the power of play, being out of doors, and the impact those experiences have on college student success.

Andrea Snead

Director, Diversity & Inclusio

United States Tennis Association

Erin Patchett, PhD

NIRSA Board President; Director of Administration and Assessment

Colorado State University

My name is Erin Patchett (she|her), and you can call me EP. I work in Campus Recreation at Colorado State University as the Director of Administration and Assessment. I am currently serving on the NIRSA Board of Directors as President and have had the opportunity to serve NIRSA in several other ways including the Annual Conference Program Committee Chair, EDI Commission, and Research and Assessment Committee. Some of my most cherished friendships are with folks I've met during my journey in this field.

I am a two-time graduate of the University of Iowa (B.S. Exercise Science, M.A. Leisure Studies), and I completed my doctorate at the University of Northern Colorado (Sport Administration) in 2019.

My favorite things to dialogue about are assessment, research, gender, tattoos, emotional intelligence, books, coffee, and the Iowa Hawkeyes.
@epatchy_w on Instagram


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Recording--Awareness to Inclusion to Advocacy, Your Next Steps
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